How to Tell if You’re Burning Fat?


How to know if you’re burning fat? Can you feel fat breaking down? How to know if you’re burning fat calories or carbs? What are the signs of losing belly fat? Are there signs of fat burning in urine?

I weigh myself on a scale everyday and I cannot tell if I am losing weight. I started lifting weights when I began my diet. How do I know if I’m losing fat and gaining muscle.

I am getting frustrated. I am ready to set fire to my belly fat and watch it go up in smoke—that’s a quick way to lose belly fat.

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John Fox 3 years 2020-12-04T22:01:56+00:00 5 Answers 2353 views Beginner 2

Answers ( 5 )


    You know if your body is using fat for energy when you test positive for ketones in your urine or blood. Testing for ketones is a guaranteed way to ascertain whether or not your body is burning fat, muscle or just losing water. The presence of ketones verifies you are in fat burning mode.

    How to Tell if You’re Burning Fat

    Fat is defined as having a large amount of excess blubber. Fat is a natural oily substance that is deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs. When you exercise, your body uses glucose for energy. Glucose is a simple sugar that all living organisms use as an energy source. It is the main component of many carbohydrates.

    Activities requiring physical effort cause our body to use glucose as a source of energy. If the human body runs out of stored glucose it will burn fatty tissue as an energy source. The breakdown of fat liberates energy for physical activity and biological functions.

    When the body enters fat-burning mode it will breakdown adipose tissue into the form of ketones. The ketones are made in the liver and are used as an alternative fuel for the body when there is no more glucose to burn. The more you exercise, the more ketones your body will crank out as a source of energy. Exercise speeds-up your metabolism, and subsequently, your body continues to burn fat for up to an hour after your workout.

    When your metabolism slows down it starts to burn less fat but it does not stop burning fat.
    Since your body cannot store ketones, the extra ketones circulating in the blood get expelled though the urine as a waste product. Using urine ketone test strips can detect the ketones in the urine.

    This is why it is so important to use ketone strips to determine if you are burning fat. Just because the weight scale says you are dropping pounds doesn’t mean you are actually loosing fat. You could be losing muscle or water retention. If you are serious about weight loss you must use ketone strips.

    The good news: Ketone strips are cheap and highly effective. Just pee on a ketone strip each time you urinate. If the test comes out negative, then you need to either do more cardio or consume less calories.

  1. Alonso Daniel

    Use inexpensive ketone urine test strips to determine if your body is burning fat as a source of energy. A body weight scale cannot distinguish whether your body is converting fat, calories or muscle into energy. Only ketone strips can tell you if you are burning fat.

    I find this brand to be the only reliable ketone test strips on the market. I would not use any other brand—and I have tried them all. The test strips are also referred to as Acetoacetic Acid reagent strips for urinalysis.

    If you’re serious about losing weight, you need to use ketone strips. When the body starts to convert fat cells into energy, your metabolism begins to slow down. It can slow down so much that you won’t even realized you’ve fallen out of fat burning mode.

    That is why it is important to use the test strips. Use them to adjust your diet so that you stay in fat burning mode. So for example, if you pee on a strip and it doesn’t detect ketones in your urine for an entire day, then you know you need to either cut more calories from your diet or do more cardio exercise.

    So what do the colors mean? First, you should urinate on a test strip about 4 times per day. Once in the morning, before lunch, in the afternoon/evening and before bed. But you can use them more often.

    Every time you urinate on a test strip you should see color. If you don’t then you are eating too many calories and/or carbohydrates. If the test indicates you have 0 mg/dL ketones then you are not burning any fat. If each time you urinate on a test strip and it indicates 5 mg/dL then you are burning roughly a 1/2 pound of fat per week (provided you see color all week each time you pee).

    So 15 mg/dL would equal to 1 pound of fat loss per week. 40 mg/dL equals about 2 pounds of fat loss per week. 80 mg/dL equals about 3 pounds of fat loss per week. 160 mg/dL equals about 4+ pounds per week. See color chart below…

    Best answer

    If you need to know if you are burning fat…

    This brand is the best.

    This brand is the worst. Do not buy Perfect Keto Strips.

    This brand is the cheapest but far from the best.

    I have compared all of these strips to my blood ketone monitor so I know which ones are the most accurate.


      I started the keto diet 2 days ago but when I urinate on the test strip there is no color. How come I am not burning fat? I am only consuming 1400 calories per day.


        It takes most people 3 to 5 days to get into fat burning mode, depending on how active you are. Your body first needs to burn off all of its stored glucose before it uses fat for energy. If you do not see any color after 5 days it means you’re eating too much food.

        You’re 1400 a day calorie intake might be too much. Everyone’s metabolism is different. How active are you, what is your gender, what is your age, how tall are you and are you hypothyroid? A short older woman with hypothyroidism might need to consume 1000 calories a day to start burning fat. It’s calories in versus calories out. You need to burn more than you eat.

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