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Category : Cryptocurrency

Welcome to our cryptocurrency category, where you can dive into the exciting world of digital assets and blockchain technology. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting to explore the possibilities, our question and answer platform is your go-to destination for all things crypto-related. Here, you can ask questions, share knowledge, and engage with a community of crypto experts and enthusiasts. Stay updated on the latest trends, discover investment opportunities, and find solutions to your crypto queries. Join us in unraveling the mysteries of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology today!

I'm interested in investing in HBAR, but everywhere I look, whether it's YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, or other places, all I see are people saying bad things about it. They claim HBAR has bad tokenomics, it's too controlled by a few, ...
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5 months 3 Answers 90 views Beginner 3

Hey, do you reckon this Calaxy (CLXY) thing could hit a buck? You think it’s got a shot at reaching that $1 mark, or maybe even going higher? Just wondering if it's possible for the price to reach a dollar ...
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5 months 4 Answers 78 views Beginner 1

Hey there, wondering about Bank Social's (BSL) future price and if it's a good time to buy? BankSocial is doing cool stuff in finance with their $BSL token, which lets people earn rewards and have a say in how things ...
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5 months 4 Answers 82 views Beginner 1

Hey there, I'm new to cold wallets and looking for recommendations. Which HBAR cold wallet is considered the finest option for 2024? I've heard about the Ledger Nano X, but are there any other top-notch choices for securing my HBAR ...
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7 months 2 Answers 122 views Beginner 0

Is there a possibility for Hedera (HBAR) to achieve a valuation of $10? Given the opportunity presented by its diverse ecosystem, is HBAR able to grasp ...
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7 months 1 Answer 85 views Pundit 0

As a newcomer to the world of cryptocurrency, I'm curious about SaucerSwap's potential to achieve the $1 mark. Can this token truly ascend to the one-dollar milestone, and is there a possibility ...
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7 months 1 Answer 78 views Beginner 0